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Keep safety awareness in mind, take correct reaction to the emergency, stay the life channel open——HL Company Held the 2024 Annual Special Training Meeting of "Safety Production Month"

  In order to further implement the safety production responsibility, to enhance the company overall production safety consciousness and management level, June 13 afternoon, on the time of the 23rd national "safe production month", HL carried out the "safe production month" special training, deputy general manager Zheng Wenkui as the speaker, each department head and safety officer participated in the training.

  At the meeting, Mr. Zheng explained in detail the relevant policies and regulations of production safety, the focus and hidden risks of production safety laws, regulations and standards of production and operation units, and the main standards of determining the hidden dangers of major accidents in industrial and trade enterprises. All attendees learned the important discussion of chairman Xi Jinping on production safety, and combined with the current actual situation of HL, they systematically analyzed the unsafe behaviors of people, the unsafe state of things and the potential safety points caused by management defects and put forward relevant management requirements.
  In recent years, the company has always attached great importance to the work of safety production, through the morning meeting, on-site inspection, safety warning signs, safety training and other forms, widely carry out safety education activities, always remind employees to pay attention to safety production. Through the safety knowledge explanation, cases display, typical accident video and company past safety accident cases, let the participants  deeply understand the importance of safety production, strengthen the responsibility and safety awareness of various department personnel in the process of safety production, promote the company's internal safety production culture, which has played a positive role in strictly preventing all kinds of accidents.

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